Wednesday, December 5, 2012


(The helpful desciprtions [...] are copied from Other Women's Voices which has several more references to essays etc.)

Bremmer, Jan N. Formisano, Marco (ed) Perpetua's passions: multidisciplinary approaches to the Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. (viii, 383 p.)

[Of the 19 essays in this collection, two are perhaps most useful for the general reader focused on Perpetua's section: Hanne Sigismund-Nielsen's "Vibia Perpetua---An Indecent Woman," which compares Perpetua's account of herself with that of the narrator and of Augustine of Hippo; and Mieke Bal's "Perpetual Contest," which discusses the conflict within the whole Passio between narration and description and that between Perpetua's view of herself as both female and male (or beyond gender). The book opens with an English translation and a Latin edition of the Passio, from Joseph Farrell & Craig Williams. Tbe bibliography covers material through 2008. (See the book's table of contents online.):]

Butler, Rex D. The new prophecy & "new visions": evidence of Montanism in The passion of Perpetua and Felicitas (Patristic monograph series; v. 18). Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2006. (xvii, 211 p.)

[Rex D. Butler's study focuses on what the Passio reveals of the influence of Montanism, a Christian movement that began in the 100sCE, which accepted women in leadership roles and which would be seen as a heresy in the 300s. Because of its focus, the book will probably be of most interest to historians, but two of its chapters can be of value to the general reader: Chapter 3 includes a discussion of the probable sources and analogues of Perpetua's narrative; Chapter 4 describes editions and translations of the work and commentaries on it:]

Delattre, Alfred-Louis: Inscriptions chrétiennes. Cosmos 542 (Jume 1895): 337-339.

Dictionnaire d'Archéologie Chrétienne 1925

Ennabli, Liliane: La Basilique de Mcidfa. École française de Rome, 1982 386 pages
Ennabli, Liliane: Carthage : une métropole chrétienne du IVe à la fin du VIIe siècle. Paris CNRS Editions 1997

Farina, William. Perpetua of Carthage: portrait of a third-century martyr. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2009. (viii, 267 p.: ill., maps)

[William Farina's study is wide-ranging. The first chapter of each of the book's four parts deals with the varieties of translations of the Latin text; these are followed by looking at what can be known of Perpetua and the world she lived in, and of how her story has been viewed over the centuries. Appendices includes maps and a timeline of Tunisian history; the bibliography lists all English translations and a number of earlier studies. (See the book's table of contents online.):]

Habermehl, P. Perpetua und der Ägypter oder Bilder des Bösen im frühen afrikanischen Christentum. Second edition. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2004.

Heffernan, Thomas J. The passion of Perpetua and Felicity. New York: Oxford University Press, c2012. (xxv, 557 p.: map)

[Thomas J. Heffernan's edition / translation of the Passio Perpetuae et Felicitas provides a new critical edition of the Latin original, an English translation, and the Greek of a later manuscript. Most valuably, Heffernan gives a detailed commentary that explains the historical and theological background of each section of the work. Introductory chapters include an account of the characters and of the manuscript history. (See the book's table of contents online.):]

Kleinberg, Aviad M. Flesh made word: saints' stories and the Western imagination; translated by Jane Marie Todd. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2008. (xii, 340 p)[Perpetua's is the first story to be analyzed in Jane Marie Todd's translation of Aviad Kleinberg's French-language study (itself a translation of the original Hebrew) of the roles played by such stories in the development of Christianity and of its tensions. Kleinberg compares Perpetua's own account of her preparation for death (especially through the description of her visions) with later editors' interpretations of her story. (See the book's table of contents online.):]
Lander Ross, and Shira:  “Perpetua and Felicitas” in vol. 2 of The Early Christian World, ed. Philip Esler, New York: Routledge, 2000

Leone, Anna: Changing Townscapes in North Africa from Late Antiquity to the Arab Conquest. Edipuglia srl, 2007, 356 pages

Maitland, Sara. The martyrdom of Perpetua. with an introduction and commentary by Sara Maitland (Visionary women). Evesham: Arthur James, 1996 ( 64 p.)

[Sara Maitland's book includes a print version of the W. H. Shewring translation of the whole Passio that is available online. Maitland's commentary is a thoughtful description of her own interaction with Perpetua; she also gives Shewring's translations of four of Augustine of Hippo's sermons on Perpetua and Felicity, which show Augustine trying hard to understand how women could be heroic:]

Nolan, Edward Peter. Cry out and write: a feminine poetics of revelation. New York: Continuum, 1994. (215 p.)

[In his study, Edward Peter Nolan includes a useful analysis of the style of Perpetua's narrative:]
Raven, Susan: Rome in Africa. 3rd edition Routledge: 1993
This is a compact overview of North African history from Punic period to the conquest by Muslims. It gives excellent background information about the region under Roman administration.

Rives, J.B.: Religion and Authority in Roman Carthage From Augustine to Constantine. Clarendon Press, Oxford: 1995

Robeck, Cecil: Prophecy in Carthage: Perpetua, Tertullian and Cyprian: Cleveland: Pilgrim Press: 1992

Ronsse, Erin Ann: Rhetoric of martyrs: Transmission and reception history of the "Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas". Ph.D. diss., University of Victoria (Canada), 2008, 438 pages

Philip Rousseau (ed.): A Companion to Late Antiquity. John Wiley & Sons, 2012, 736 pages

Salisbury, Joyce: Perpetua's Passion: The Death and Memory of a Young Roman Woman. New York: Routledge: 1997.

[Joyce Salisbury's book is valuable for historical and local background, as well as for analysis of the text. (See the book's table of contents online.):]

Shaw Brent: “The Passion of Perpetua,” Past and Present 139, (May 1993), JSTOR 30

Tertullian, Apology, in The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 3, Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, eds., (Albany, Ore.: AGES Software, 1997).

von Franz, Marie-Louise: The Passion of Perpetua: A Psychological Interpretation of Her Visions: Toronto: Inner City Books: 2004

From the Catholic Encyclopedia
HOLSTENIUS, Passio SS. MM. Perpetuae et Felicitatis, ed. POSSINUS (Rome, 1663)

ORSI, Dissertatio apologetica pro SS. Perpetuae, Felicitatis et sociorum martyrum orthodoxiâ (Florence, 1728)

RUINART, Acta sincera martyrum (Ratisbon, 1859), 137 sqq.; Acta SS., March, I, 633-38

AUBÉ, Les actes des SS. Felicite, Perpétue et de luers compagnons in Les chretiens dans l'Empire Romain (Paris, 1881), 509-25

HARRIS and GIFFORD, The Acts of Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas (London, 1890)

PILLET, Les martyrs d'Afrique, Histoire de Ste Perpetua et de ses compagnons (Paris, 1885)

ALLARD, Histoire des persecutions, II (Paris, 1886), 96 sqq.

NEUMANN, Der ramische Staat und die allgemeine Kirche, I (Leipzig, 1890), 170-76, 299-300

ROBINSON, The Passion of S. perpetua in Texts and Studies, I (Cambridge, 1891)

FRANCHI DE'CAVALIERI, La Passio SS. Perpetuæ et Felicitatis in Röm. Quartalschr., supplement V (Rome, 1896)

Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina, ed. BOLLANDISTS, II, 964; Analecta Bollandiana (1892), 100-02; 369-72

MONCEAUX, Histoire litteraire de l'Afrique chrétienne, I (Paris, 1901), 7 0-96

DELATTRE, La Basilica Maiorum, tombeau des SS. Perpetue et Félicité in Comples-rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (1907), 516-31.

Catholic Encyclopedia

WEB pages
Other women's voices Perpetua

letter from the Christian writer Tertullian to those in prison awaiting martyrdom, translated by Sydney Thelwall. The undated letter is usually assigned to 197, but some scholars think it may be a message to Perpetua and her fellow martyrs in 203.

For historical background, an essay by Michel Dujarier, "A History of the Catechumenate: In North Africa ca. 200-210," which shows Perpetua's position within the community (and explains the use of military imagery in the Passio).

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